Tuesday 13 December 2011


All of us have at least one secret which actually remains a secret for a very long time. Most of the times we tend to die with this little dark secret of ours.
In a world where we cannot live without depending on every other person whom we cross ways with,what is the need to hide things. is it the fear of being accepted? or is the fear of being the butt of all jokes?
or are we simply soo scared that we do not even want to try!
Most of the times once we have committed a mistake, we don't even try to make things better! We don't try to rectify our mistakes.....instead we tend to start a series of lies and deceive soo many people on the way that this becomes a whole new secret!!

For some reason when i woke up today i was determined to give my secret, that I've been hiding in this dark place in some corner of my mind and heart, out to the world. I was ready to face the consequences and was ready to take all the mocking and teasing. But...............ah! there always is a "but"..............just when I was going to give my secret out, I realized that if I were to tell this dark secret along with it I would actually have to start explaining my whole way of life! And that was something i wasn't ready to do! 
Sometimes we make decisions that we think is right and that might lead to us getting hurt or some one else getting hurt. In these circumstances it is best that we let these secrets remain a secret forever. 

For who knows.....maybe people pretend to listen only because they are curious and not because they care! or maybe your secret might result in the alteration of a person's life other than your's, in a whole new dimension that you havent even imagined! Now that i think of it............spiderman wouldn't be able to catch the bad guys if everyone knew his secret :-D 
Ah........how exiting it is to be human :p